"Sunflower Seeds Are for Birds... And Sometimes People", , roasters, schoolbook papers, soundscape, text by G and font by Tayeb Bayri. Exhibition in duo with Ghita Skali, hosted by Motel Spatie, Arnhem (NL), February to March 2020.

In the space, a large quantity of sunflower seeds was  freely made available to eat for the visitors. The floor progressively became a carpet of sunflower seed shells.


'Zerri3a lka7la l'frakh...O ba3d lmerrat l'bnadem', 400 kilo dial zerri3a lka7la, guellayat, dfater dial medrassa dial moul zerri3a, ness dial G, 7ourouf Zerri3a dial Tayeb Bayri, 9it3a sawtiya dial Salim Bayri. Machrou3 derto m3a Ghita Skali f Arnhem (Holanda) f ch8ar jouj 2020 7ta seddou koulchi 3la wed corona.

Zerri3a lka7la ma kat tkalch bach tchba3, ola bach tfra7 b diyaf diawlek. Hia machi noix de cajoux oula lgerga3! Kat tkal f ddar m3a li kat 3raf, m3a 7bibtek, ola bo7dek kat khemmem fel mosta9bal li ma 3endekch. 

Ana ou Ghita chrina 400 kilo dial zerri3a lka7la bach li ja l8ad lblassa i 9der i akol8a fabor fel blassa oula i di8a m3a8 .

M3a daz lwa9t, had lmakan bda tay 3mer b jlouf melyou7in fel ard o kolchi wella mocharik fel ma3rid, machi gher ana ou Ghita.

Wa9t zerri3a ma tay sla7 lwalo. Houa wa9t miyet walakine lazem fel mojtama3. Khassatan f boldan b7al Holanda, li ijabiyin bzzaf. Wa9t zerri3a 9lal, o 7na bghina8 i rja3 chiya, twa7achna8.


Link to the Soundscape

Link to the Text by G and

Link to the Zerri3a font by Tayeb Bayri (open source and free)